Building a website can be complicated. There are lots of moving parts, servers talking to each other, five or six different languages all doing their thing, and thousands of lines of code pulling it all together into one beautiful experience. Our job is to take what could be complicated and confusing and make it into something simple and delightful, for our clients, and for visitors to their brand new website.
But we’re not the only company that sells complicated products. We have super-smart clients with incredibly sophisticated products. And just like us, they know how important it is to make it clean and easy to get exactly the right product.
So we were thrilled to partner with Track Bowling to make a simple way to pick out exactly the right bowling ball for anyone, no matter how or where they bowl. With some fancy database settings tucked away behind the scenes and some slick animations on the front, Track has a web page that makes it easy and delightful to find the perfect ball. Don’t want to peruse the entire catalog? Confused by product details? Not a problem. With five easy questions, illustrated and explained, your perfect bowling experience awaits.
Here’s how we did it

For every answer for every question, each ball receives a score. If the answer to a question means that a ball would be unsuitable for that style, the ball receives a negative score (-1, or -2, if it’s really not well-suited). If the answer to a question means that a ball would be a good fit, it gets a positive score (+1, or +2 if it’s a really good fit). So if someone answers that the lane conditions where they typically bowl are very oily, the 300A will get a score of -2, but the 910 will get a score of 1.
After answering all the questions, all the points are added together and each ball gets a total score. Rather than having to know all 13 bowling balls inside and out, knowing all the details of the product specifications, a bowler just has to know herself in order to know which ball is best. Instead of demanding that a consumer know an entire product catalog, we say “Consumer, know thyself.” Socrates’ timeless wisdom applies even to the process of product selection in today’s consumer-driven marketplace.
It’s simple, it’s obvious, and it gets the right product into the right hands. The consumer is happy, our client is happy, and we’re happy. And the world is just that much better. Take it for a spin yourself!